"What's Happening:" April 27, 2012 Edition
What's Happening at First Parish Scituate
Sunday, April 29
10:30 AM
The Reverend Mr. Jan Knost
"Utrum sid Deus", meaning "Is there a God?"
Project Opportunity
This Sunday, April 29, will be another plate donation, this time to Project Opportunity, ''planting seeds of opportunity in Nicaragua''. Project Opportunity promotes long-term benefits in health, education and family economic and emotional stability. To learn more about Project Opportunity, visit their website at www.projectopp.org
Following the Story for All Ages this Sunday in the sanctuary, children will proceed to their respective classrooms to resume our regularly scheduled religious education programming.
Ages 2-4 Childcare upstairs with Burak Laciner and Devon Smith
Gr. K-3 Moral Tales Carol Sullivan-Hanley and Kim Ryan, upstairs
Gr. 4-6 Toolbox of Faith Ann Svensen and Kate Gleenon, Sloop room
Gr. 7-8 Evening OWL program - just two left!
Gr. 9-12 Evening meeting to plan Oxfam Banquet and visit from Cohasset Ministerial Search Committee
Car Wash
When: This Sunday April 29, 2012
Where and When: At church, during the service
Who: Scituate/Cohasset/ Rockland Youth Group
Why: Fundraiser for Youth Group Activities
How: When you get to church just sign up and leave us your keys.
We will wash and valet park your car during the service.
Save the Date
Oxfam Hunger Banquet
May 19, 2012 6:00-8:00pm
First Parish Cohasset
Hosted by Scituate/Cohasset/ Rockland Youth Group
Stay tuned for details!
Tuesday, May 1st at 1 PM
PROGRAM - Peter Leavitt will speak on Chief Justice Cushing -
''Scituate's most famous Citizen''.
Please come!!
-Yvonne Twomey
Unity Club
May 9, 2012
Gathering 6:30 Dinner 7:00
$5.00 Annual dues due. $5.00 dinner fee
All women of the church welcome.
Come enjoy friendship, good food, and laughter
Bring a May basket, if you wish, to be donated to the Cardigan
Nursing Home.
Suggested items for the basket: toiletries, plants, flowers, or
other cheerful items. No candy please.
Hostesses: Roxanne Greim, Mary McRae, Kay Shaw,
Michelle Figueiredo, Kate Glennon
Hostesses, please contact each other
See you May 9th
Saturday, April 28 9:30 AM Steel Magnolias
Sunday, April 29 10:30 AM First Parish Youth Group
Car Wash during service
Tuesday, May 1 1 PM Alliance Meeting
7 PM Parish Committee Meeting
Wednesday, May 2 10:30 AM Fididdlers
5:00 PM AA
This year’s Plant, Bake, and Yard Sale is scheduled for Saturday,
May 5th. Due to the lovely weather we’ve been experiencing, many of you may be out in your gardens already dividing plants, or in your greenhouses or kitchens starting seeds. Extra plastic pots are available at the church – they are stowed under the fire escape stairs on the west side of the building. Please help yourself if you are dividing plants and need pots. If possible, please label individual plants. (A Sharpie on a plastic knife works really well!) Donations can be left on the lawn behind the sanctuary the week prior to the event.
Please contact Jean Shildneck with any questions:
857-719-6192, or jean_shildneck@comcast.net.
Plant, Bake and Yard Sale
Saturday, May 5, 9 AM to Noon
On May 5th from 9 am - noon, we will be holding our annual Plant, Bake and Yard Sale. We are hoping to make this bigger
and better than last year. We can do it if everyone pitches in
and helps out with contributions and by volunteering to work.
Plant sale - Jean Shildneck will be chairing this portion of
the sale once again. For specific questions about this, please
reach out to Jean. As in years past, we ask that all you
gardeners out there pot up spare plants, the more the better!
The more variety and amount of plants we have the more we
can make, so start your digging.
Bake sale - Vicki Davis will chair this portion of the event. We encourage all bakers to bring your baked goodies: cookies, squares, pies, breads, whatever. We typically sell out, so the more baked goods we have to sell, the more we can make. Please remember to label your baked goods with a "No Nut Ingredients" or "Contains Nuts" label. Thank you!.
Yard sale - Sarah Murdock will chair this portion of the event. This was new for us last year and we ask all to consider participating this year. We will be putting up a sign-up sheet for those who would like to participate. If you do, you will be asked to be on site for at least a few hours of the day. We will pair folks up with others so that you won’t need to be there the whole day. For items you bring to sell, you must price everything ahead of time and pack up and take away all items not sold at the end of the sale. We ask that you consider contributing a half or greater of your proceeds to the church. So start cleaning out those basements, old toys, any old stuff you want to get rid of and sign up to participate.
Scituate Ship Shape Day
Saturday, April 28 will be “Ship Shape Day,” Scituate''s annual, town-wide volunteer effort to clean-up our public parks, playgrounds, beaches and neighborhoods. Supplies for the clean-up can be picked up at Town Hall on Saturday between 8 AM and 1 PM. The Scituate Beautification Commission, in cooperation with the Scituate Department of Public Works (DPW), sponsors this traditional spring event.
For more information please contact the Scituate Beautification Commission at 781.545.2620, email sbc@town.scituate.ma.us or visit www.town.scituate.ma.us.
How to Announce an Event at First Parish
To submit an item for publication in the weekly "What's Happening", please send it to Maggy Evans at firstparishscituate@verizon.net by 3 PM Thursday each week.
For the monthly newsletter (the Sloop's Log), please submit to
Maggy (above) by 12 noon on the last Friday of the month.
it will also be posted there.
For the website only, please submit to Ann Hale at annlattinville@yahoo.com or Cathie McGowan at patmikecat@aol.com.
If you would like an item announced in the general media,
please contact Cathie McGowan (Publicity Chair) at patmikecat@aol.com at least two weeks prior and a press
release will be sent out. Press releases are also published
in "What's Happening" and on the website, and depending
on date submitted, in the "Sloop''s Log."
If you are preparing a flier to be posted, please work through
the Publicity Committee (Cathie McGowan) to make sure all necessary information has been included.
Thank you!
Sunday, April 29
10:30 AM
The Reverend Mr. Jan Knost
"Utrum sid Deus", meaning "Is there a God?"
Project Opportunity
This Sunday, April 29, will be another plate donation, this time to Project Opportunity, ''planting seeds of opportunity in Nicaragua''. Project Opportunity promotes long-term benefits in health, education and family economic and emotional stability. To learn more about Project Opportunity, visit their website at www.projectopp.org
Following the Story for All Ages this Sunday in the sanctuary, children will proceed to their respective classrooms to resume our regularly scheduled religious education programming.
Ages 2-4 Childcare upstairs with Burak Laciner and Devon Smith
Gr. K-3 Moral Tales Carol Sullivan-Hanley and Kim Ryan, upstairs
Gr. 4-6 Toolbox of Faith Ann Svensen and Kate Gleenon, Sloop room
Gr. 7-8 Evening OWL program - just two left!
Gr. 9-12 Evening meeting to plan Oxfam Banquet and visit from Cohasset Ministerial Search Committee
Car Wash
When: This Sunday April 29, 2012
Where and When: At church, during the service
Who: Scituate/Cohasset/ Rockland Youth Group
Why: Fundraiser for Youth Group Activities
How: When you get to church just sign up and leave us your keys.
We will wash and valet park your car during the service.
Save the Date
Oxfam Hunger Banquet
May 19, 2012 6:00-8:00pm
First Parish Cohasset
Hosted by Scituate/Cohasset/ Rockland Youth Group
Stay tuned for details!
Tuesday, May 1st at 1 PM
PROGRAM - Peter Leavitt will speak on Chief Justice Cushing -
''Scituate's most famous Citizen''.
Please come!!
-Yvonne Twomey
Unity Club
May 9, 2012
Gathering 6:30 Dinner 7:00
$5.00 Annual dues due. $5.00 dinner fee
All women of the church welcome.
Come enjoy friendship, good food, and laughter
Bring a May basket, if you wish, to be donated to the Cardigan
Nursing Home.
Suggested items for the basket: toiletries, plants, flowers, or
other cheerful items. No candy please.
Hostesses: Roxanne Greim, Mary McRae, Kay Shaw,
Michelle Figueiredo, Kate Glennon
Hostesses, please contact each other
See you May 9th
Saturday, April 28 9:30 AM Steel Magnolias
Sunday, April 29 10:30 AM First Parish Youth Group
Car Wash during service
Tuesday, May 1 1 PM Alliance Meeting
7 PM Parish Committee Meeting
Wednesday, May 2 10:30 AM Fididdlers
5:00 PM AA
This year’s Plant, Bake, and Yard Sale is scheduled for Saturday,
May 5th. Due to the lovely weather we’ve been experiencing, many of you may be out in your gardens already dividing plants, or in your greenhouses or kitchens starting seeds. Extra plastic pots are available at the church – they are stowed under the fire escape stairs on the west side of the building. Please help yourself if you are dividing plants and need pots. If possible, please label individual plants. (A Sharpie on a plastic knife works really well!) Donations can be left on the lawn behind the sanctuary the week prior to the event.
Please contact Jean Shildneck with any questions:
857-719-6192, or jean_shildneck@comcast.net.
Plant, Bake and Yard Sale
Saturday, May 5, 9 AM to Noon
On May 5th from 9 am - noon, we will be holding our annual Plant, Bake and Yard Sale. We are hoping to make this bigger
and better than last year. We can do it if everyone pitches in
and helps out with contributions and by volunteering to work.
Plant sale - Jean Shildneck will be chairing this portion of
the sale once again. For specific questions about this, please
reach out to Jean. As in years past, we ask that all you
gardeners out there pot up spare plants, the more the better!
The more variety and amount of plants we have the more we
can make, so start your digging.
Bake sale - Vicki Davis will chair this portion of the event. We encourage all bakers to bring your baked goodies: cookies, squares, pies, breads, whatever. We typically sell out, so the more baked goods we have to sell, the more we can make. Please remember to label your baked goods with a "No Nut Ingredients" or "Contains Nuts" label. Thank you!.
Yard sale - Sarah Murdock will chair this portion of the event. This was new for us last year and we ask all to consider participating this year. We will be putting up a sign-up sheet for those who would like to participate. If you do, you will be asked to be on site for at least a few hours of the day. We will pair folks up with others so that you won’t need to be there the whole day. For items you bring to sell, you must price everything ahead of time and pack up and take away all items not sold at the end of the sale. We ask that you consider contributing a half or greater of your proceeds to the church. So start cleaning out those basements, old toys, any old stuff you want to get rid of and sign up to participate.
Scituate Ship Shape Day
Saturday, April 28 will be “Ship Shape Day,” Scituate''s annual, town-wide volunteer effort to clean-up our public parks, playgrounds, beaches and neighborhoods. Supplies for the clean-up can be picked up at Town Hall on Saturday between 8 AM and 1 PM. The Scituate Beautification Commission, in cooperation with the Scituate Department of Public Works (DPW), sponsors this traditional spring event.
For more information please contact the Scituate Beautification Commission at 781.545.2620, email sbc@town.scituate.ma.us or visit www.town.scituate.ma.us.
How to Announce an Event at First Parish
To submit an item for publication in the weekly "What's Happening", please send it to Maggy Evans at firstparishscituate@verizon.net by 3 PM Thursday each week.
For the monthly newsletter (the Sloop's Log), please submit to
Maggy (above) by 12 noon on the last Friday of the month.
it will also be posted there.
For the website only, please submit to Ann Hale at annlattinville@yahoo.com or Cathie McGowan at patmikecat@aol.com.
If you would like an item announced in the general media,
please contact Cathie McGowan (Publicity Chair) at patmikecat@aol.com at least two weeks prior and a press
release will be sent out. Press releases are also published
in "What's Happening" and on the website, and depending
on date submitted, in the "Sloop''s Log."
If you are preparing a flier to be posted, please work through
the Publicity Committee (Cathie McGowan) to make sure all necessary information has been included.
Thank you!
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